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You have certainly come to the right place. Maybe you have questions about separation, spousal support, child support, child custody, or anything else to do with divorce.
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Oprah Magazine reports that “an uncontested divorce can take as little as four to five weeks, and as long as a year”. Of course it all depends on your particular situation.
The law for divorce is indeed complex. The first step is surely to find out your options. Go ahead and find out what’s possible with a free consultation with a Divorce Lawyer.
Our experts will talk you through your options for a Divorce Lawyer near me. Tell your story and talk with an expert in minutes.
Connect with a divorce attorney and receive your no obligation, free consultation.
Divorce Attorney Near Me
How can a Divorce Attorney help me?
Without a doubt a divorce attorney can do a lot to help. Firstly they will assure you don’t make any mistakes. Those mistakes can surely come back to hurt you later.
Secondly, a divorce attorney gives you peace of mind. Most important when dealing with things like alimony, child support, and finances. Overall, divorce can be stressful and an attorney knows the way.
By all means, a divorce attorney can help:
- Advise you on strategy
- Find finances
- Explain dividing finances
- Make a debt repayment plan, if necessary
What does a Divorce Lawyer Do?
A divorce lawyer certainly does many things. So here are some things they will do:
- Draft paperwork
- File documents
- Follow deadlines
- Negotiate for you
- File motions to figure out related matters
- Hire experts
- Interview experts
- Go to trial, if necessary
When to hire a Divorce Lawyer
Some things generally complicate a divorce. In that case your financial future or parental rights may be at risk.
When you have one of these things you will want to get a lawyer immediately:
- Your spouse can prove wrongdoing
- Your spouse hired a lawyer
- Can’t agree on child custody
- You have a lot of finances or debt
- Sides can’t agree on any point
- Want help with paperwork
- Need to meet deadlines
- Want peace of mind
Steps to Divorce
Obviously laws are different from state to state. And every situation has its own points. Still, for the most part the steps to divorce are the same:
- File the petition for divorce
- Ask for temporary orders
- Serve your spouse and wait for response
- Negotiate a settlement
- Go to trial, if necessary
- Finalize the judgment
A divorce lawyer can indeed help you at every step. And in one conversation you can make a plan and answer your questions. All in all a free consultation is a great help. In a word we can connect you with no obligation.
So connect now for your no obligation, free consultation.
Spousal Support (Alimony)
Spousal support is generally ordered when one spouse makes quite a bit more than the other. Also usually they must have been married for at least a few years.
If they weren’t married long or make nearly the same amount, then usually spousal support is not paid.
When ordered, a set amount will be paid each month until:
- A date set in the future
- Person receiving support remarries
- Children no longer need full-time parent at home
- Judge rules person receiving support has had enough time to make money
Child Custody
Child custody is surely complex. Many things must certainly be settled. For instance, where will the kids live, who will have visitation rights, how often will they visit.
It’s important to realize that most all courts use the standard for the “best interests of the child”. To be sure many factors determine what’s best for the child.
Here are then some factors that determine child custody:
- The child’s age, sex, and mental and physical health
- The parent’s mental and physical health
- Parent’s lifestyle including smoking or history of child abuse
- Emotional bond between parent and child
- Parent’s ability to provide food, shelter, clothing, and medical care
- Quality of child’s education in the current situation
- What the child wants (usually only if child at least 12 years old)
Child Support
Child Support is indeed meant to provide a healthy environment for the child. Firstly, the expenses the child support should cover include:
- Food
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Education
- Healthcare
- Extracurricular activities
Secondly, the amount will depend on your particular situation, including:
- Income
- Number of dependents supporting
- Overnight visits may reduce the amount
- Health care costs. Parent paying usually receives credit.
- Child care expense for the particular child
Finally, calculating your amount is something to discuss in your no obligation, free consultation.
Divorce Lawyer Near Me Free Consultation
Basically it’s pretty great to get a free consultation from a divorce lawyer. All things considered, there is a lot to think about when going through a divorce.
On the one hand you want to know what to expect. On the other hand you need to have a plan.
A free consultation is surely the best time to ask your questions. You can also ask about all the common areas of spousal support, child support, child custody, how long it will take, and anything else.
So go ahead and click for your no obligation, free consultation.
Final Takeaway
Divorce is without a doubt a serious matter. You unquestionably deserve to speak with an attorney.
Rather than waiting and delaying the benefits, connect now. An experienced lawyer can give you the help you deserve.
Best Divorce Lawyer Near Me
Now is certainly the time to speak with a lawyer match expert.
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