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Need Help with a Workers’ Compensation Matter?
Injured on the job? Believe you're entitled to workers' compensation? Indeed a workers' compensation lawyer can help. A worker's compensation lawyer certainly assists with matters arising from workplace injuries.
Here are two of the most important worker's comp facts to keep in mind:
- Workers' comp can unquestionably be paid for an injury that occurred at work even if it was partially your fault.
- Workers' compensation can explicitly be paid for an injury while you are performing your work duties. In fact this can occur in any location, not only your workplace.
If you are approved for workers' comp benefits then you are generally eligible to receive the following:
-Payment for medical treatment
-Replacement income
-Permanent impairment payment
-Costs for retraining
-Benefits to survivors of workers in the event of death
If You’ve been injured on the Job
Firstly, report your injury as soon as possible. This will help to be sure that you have the strongest case possible. Additionally each state has a deadline for the numbers of days to report an injury.
Secondly, go to the doctor as soon as possible. Obviously if you are seriously injured go to the emergency room. Otherwise ask your employer if they require you to visit a particular doctor.
Thirdly, consider your legal circumstance. You probably don’t know everything about your state’s workers’ compensation laws, unless you are a lawyer.
Here are some laws that are generally consistent across most states:
-You have the right to file a claim
-You have the right to see a doctor
-If you can’t return to work, then you may receive some compensation
-If you disagree with any decision by your employer or your employer’s insurance, then you may appeal that decision.
-Additionally you have the right to be represented by a lawyer.
Consult a workers’ compensation lawyer. Before you file your claim it’s often a good idea to speak with a lawyer. The workers’ compensation lawyer indeed has experience handling claims. What’s more you don’t want to make a mistake doing things on your own.
The initial consultation is free when you find a lawyer here by simply clicking on the button. One of our lawyer matching experts will guide you through the process. Start by easily filling in a form. Click here to get started.
When and Why to hire a Workers’ Comp Attorney
Basically the best time to hire a workers’ comp attorney is right away. By all means contact a lawyer as soon as your medical condition is stable. Your attorney can help you avoid mistakes for one thing that you might make on your own.
When any of the following are true, you should indeed hire a lawyer as soon as possible:
-You require surgery.
-Your injuries are moderate to severe.
-You won’t be able to return to work.
-No longer be able to regularly work in any job.
-Could work in another job, but not your current job.
-You have pre-existing disabilities.
-You are forced to dispute your employer or their insurance.
-Possibly you could receive additional benefits.
-Your medical benefits are denied.
-You don’t fully understand the workers’ comp process and would feel more comfortable with a lawyer representing your interests.
The reasons why you hire an attorney are indeed many. Such as you filed a claim and something goes wrong or you have concerns. Even though you don’t expect any problems it may be beneficial for a lawyer to evaluate. Especially when you can receive a free consultation.
Overall connect with a lawyer as soon as possible.
Specific situations for a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Here are some specific situations when you will generally want to speak with a lawyer right away:
-Your benefits are denied or delayed.
-The first doctor you see has cleared you for work quickly.
-You’re not sure which doctor to see.
-You don’t trust the company doctors.
-Symptoms develop gradually over time
-Employer claims you are not eligible for workers’ comp.
-You’re being accused of fraud.
-Asked to attend an Independent Medical Exam.
-You are eligible for Medicare or will be within 30 months.
Of course a workers’ comp lawyer can help you with any situation.
Types of Workers’ Compensation
Even though laws vary by state, generally there are several types of workers’ compensation:
-Medical only. These benefits pay for medical costs, but nothing else is paid.
-Temporary disability. These are cash benefits paid for a certain duration of time.
-Permanent disability. When injuries are judged to be permanent, these benefits are awarded.
-Fatalities. Death benefits are paid when a work related illness or injury is fatal. These benefits generally include payment for funeral and burial as well as benefits for surviving family members.
Find a workers’ comp lawyer near you for a free consultation to learn more your specific circumstance.
Workers Compensation for Federal Employees
It’s important to realize federal employees do not receive benefits under the state programs. Instead they receive benefits through the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA). That is the Department of Labor administers this program.
A workers’ comp lawyer can indeed help federal employees with their claim and benefits. You will also receive a free lawyer consultation.
So click here to submit a quick form and speak with a expert lawyer matcher.
Workers’ Compensation for Specific Employees
The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs runs four major disability programs.
-One: Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC)
-Two: Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)
-Three: Division of Longshore and Harbor Worker’ Compensation (DLHWC)
-Four: Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation (DCMWC)
Receive a free consultation with a workers’ compensation lawyer to review your claim under any of these programs. Certainly click here for a quick form to connect with a lawyer matching expert.
Final Takeaway
A work injury is without a doubt a serious matter. You unquestionably deserve to speak with an attorney.
Rather than waiting and delaying your benefits, connect now. Instead of wondering if you should speak with a lawyer, connect with a lawyer match expert immediately.
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